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Michelle Hy graduated from Portland State University with a Bachelor’s in Applied Linguistics.

She is a social media marketing professional who is passionate about anti-racism work and intersectional approaches to social justice.

In 2020, she began the project Polyamorous While Asian, cultivating a space that normalizes non-monogamy and helps make it more accessible — especially for BIPOC and other largely underrepresented groups in these communities. In addition to conducting interviews and designing educational material, she offers peer support sessions to provide individuals and couples with a private, judgment free space to ask questions and explore non-monogamy. She has participated in roundtable discussions, panels, and brand partnerships. Her Instagram has 13k followers and counting.

In addition to working full-time as a social media content specialist, she is developing a solo podcast project and is currently furthering her education in digital marketing, SEO, and graphic design.

Browse her portfolio and contact Michelle to learn more.